Welcome to Preston Ridge!

We know it can feel strange to visit a church for the first time, but we want you to feel at home from the moment you step inside. This page will let you know what to expect and where to go.

The personality of Preston Ridge is light-hearted and friendly, and we lean to the casual end of things. We strive for excellence in the things we do, but we don't take ourselves too seriously.

Sunday Gatherings

Life Groups: Sundays | 9:30am

Worship: Sundays | 10:45am

Life Groups meet at 9:30am on campus at Preston Ridge. These groups are designed to facilitate bible study and community for all stages of life. We'll help you find the right fit for you at the Connect Area in the lobby or you can see the list of groups here.

If you're joining us for Worship, come in and feel free to grab a coffee in the main lobby. Then join us in the Worship Center as music kicks off at 10:45am.

Children's Check In

Children of any age are welcome to join their families in the Worship Center for the Worship Service.

If you'd like to check your children in to our Children's Area, we recommend that you park in the back parking lot and enter through the doors near the playground. Our volunteers will greet you and walk you through the check in process!

Check out the Children's Ministry page for more information.

What We Believe

Preston Ridge can be defined by our five core values. These guide us as we make plans for ministry and remind us of what really matters as a church community.

1. Biblical Foundation

Everything we do, say, teach and preach is based on the Bible and we look to it as the final authority in matters of life and doctrine. We believe the Bible is God’s perfect Word and through it He guides us as we navigate this life in faith.


2. Authentic Church Family

Let’s be real for a second. Life is hard and Christians aren’t immune to the challenges and temptations that are common to man. We strive to be a church family that leaves pretense at the door. We can’t build each other up if we pretend to be invincible.


3. Empowering Spiritual Growth

We believe God’s plan for us is to grow in spiritual maturity and we expect those in our church family to be actively pursuing that end. Preston Ridge empowers this endeavor by providing resources, Bible studies, mentoring opportunities, encouragement and more to help you get from where you are today in faith to where God wants you to be.


4. Intentional Hospitality

We know finding a church home can be tough and especially if you don’t yet know anyone at the church you’re visiting. Our goal is to make it easy to be at Preston Ridge. God values you greatly and we want to reflect that in the way we engage you on campus the opportunities we provide so that you can join in the life of our church community. It doesn’t just happen, and we want to do it well.


5. Life on Mission

The Bible says that Christians are to be God’s representatives in the world, and we seek to embrace that charge wholeheartedly. This task is just as important and urgent in our day to day lives as it is when going overseas to share our faith. As long as we’re breathing, we’re on a mission of hope and reconciliation and we hope to reflect that at Preston Ridge.


You can find a list of our core values including the scripture references that helped define them here.

Collaborations and Affiliations

As a Southern Baptist church, we are a self-governing and self-funding group of Christians that come together for community and worship.

We do choose to collaborate with other churches of like faith and are affiliated with organizations that allow us to do more for God’s kingdom by pooling resources and manpower. Here are the groups we are aligned with. Click the group names to go to their websites and learn more. We support these entities monetarily each month out of our tithes and offerings.

Collin Baptist Association

A collective of Southern Baptist Churches in our home county. We partner with the CBA for mission trips, resources and more. More about the Collin Baptist Association can be found here.


At the state level, we come alongside other BGCT churches in times of need and collaborate on various projects. More about the Baptist General Convention of Texas can be found here.

southern baptist convention

We are aligned with the SBC and adhere to their statement of faith, The Baptist Faith and Message. More about the Southern Baptist Convention can be found here.