Student Ministry at Preston Ridge

The Student Ministry at Preston Ridge exists to provide a place for middle and high schoolers to ask questions, make friends and figure things out when everything around and inside them seems to be changing. Join us and find the support, community and truth you've been looking for.

Sunday Mornings

Life Groups: Sundays | 9:30 am

Our students in grades 6-12 meet in the Youth Room, Room 107, for a combined small group discussion of the Bible and Biblical truths.

Stay up to date with details by texting students42 to 81010 and/or connect with the Students on Church Center.

Wednesday Evenings

Ridge Students: Wednesdays | 6:00-7:30pm

For our students (6th grade – 12th grade) from 6:00 – 7:30 in room 107 @ Preston Ridge come for fun events for students to connect with other students, have fun, study the Bible, play crazy games, and eat some good food. This spring our Students' House Party will be join us on campus. More details when you Signup for Ridge Students and/or other Family Nights activities.

Youth Events

  • ridge students | upcoming events: feb/Mar

    Wednesdays: January 15th - April 23rd, 6pm-7:30pm @ PRC Ridge Students, Room 107

    Huddle High School Sunday Nights: January 26th - May 18th, 6pm-8pm @ PRC Ridge Students, Room 107

    Lego Night: February 16th

    Late Night Trampoline Park: March 14th

  • ridge students | weekly activities

    Sunday Mornings: Life Group 9:30am-10:30am @ PRC Ridge Students, Room 107

    Sunday Nights: Huddle High School January 26th - May 18th, 6pm-8pm @ PRC Ridge Students, Room 107

    Wednesday Nights: Ridge Students January 15th - April 23rd, 6pm-7:30pm @ PRC Ridge Students, Room 107

  • ridge students | Every wednesDAY night

    January 15th - April 23rd, 6pm-7:30pm @ PRC Ridge Students, Room 107

    Mark your calendars.

    Signup here for the Ridge Students and/or other Family Nights activities.