Welcome to Ridge Kids!

Preston Ridge strives to be a place for young families as we teach our little ones about Jesus and the amazing life they can have with Him! With activities offered on Sundays and VBS in the summer your child will make friends, have fun and take their first steps in faith.

Sunday Mornings

Life Groups: Sundays | 9:30 am (Birth - 5th Grade)

Extended Class During Worship Service: Sundays | 10:45am (Birth - K)

At 9:30 am, all of our Ridge Kids get to explore the Bible together. 

Children are welcomed and encouraged to attend worship at 10:45am with their parents. However, Extended Class is available for children: birth through kindergarten. 

Wednesday Evenings

Comedy Club: Wednesdays | 6pm (PreK-5th Grade)

Ridge Kids Comedy Club is an exciting new ministry we are starting on Wednesday nights from 6:00 – 7:30 pm here at Preston Ridge with dinner provided for $5 per person. This is for our elementary aged children (Kinder – 5th grade). Ridge Kids Comedy Club is a fun, theater-based ministry designed to teach your children foundational truths from God’s Word in a creative, funny and exciting way. Your child will be checked at the west entrance by the playground and picked up at the same location. We know your child will enjoy the games, music, comedy and FOOD!

Signup here for the Ridge Kids Comedy Club

and/or other Family Nights activities.

Childrens events

  • RK comedy club  |  January 15th - april 23rd, 6-8:30pm

    We know your child will enjoy the games, music, comedy and FOOD!

    All the fun will be in the Ridge Kids Clubhouse. Mark your calendars!

    Signup here for the Comedy Club and/or other Family Nights activities.

  • Easter Egg drop  |  april 20th, after 10:45am service

    We are so excited about Easter 2025! So much celebration of our Risen Lord! 

    All the fun will be finished with an Egg Drop from a hot air balloon on the front lawn. You won't want to miss this! Mark your calendars and come join us!

  • Vbs | june 28th, 9am-2pm

    Vacation Bible School is our fun Summer school kids activity with snacks, games, music, and more. Calling all kids to "Live It Out" from discovering how to love like Jesus.

    Register for Saturday VBS here.

    We will have a family Ice Cream Social after the final Worship Rally.

  • fall festival | every Fall: TBD

    Cooler weather means Fall Festival!! We had a blast with our neighbors at the end of October 2024! AND can't wait for Fall 2025! Check back here for details around September 2025. Plans are in full swing so jump in a fun costume and join us October 27th @ 3pm for Trunk-or-Treat, games, music, food, and more!